Cutting Through Complexity: The Art of Simplifying and Prioritizing in Innovation

October 14, 2024

Nicholas Colisto
Nick Colisto

Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Corporate

Cutting Through Complexity: The Art of Simplifying and Prioritizing in Innovation

As the demand for digital innovation continues to grow, the ability to simplify and prioritize is becoming increasingly essential. At Avery Dennison, where digital transformation plays a central role in shaping our future, simplifying complexity and focusing on the most impactful efforts enables us to stay ahead. In this era of constant technological evolution, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by new opportunities, tools, and initiatives. However, as leaders, it’s our responsibility to bring clarity and focus to ensure that we drive meaningful progress.


Why It Matters


When we simplify, we streamline decision-making and create clear pathways for innovation. Simplification isn’t about doing less—it’s about ensuring that we are laser-focused on the initiatives that will drive the greatest value. As we continue to innovate, particularly in the digital space, the ability to cut through complexity and focus on high-impact efforts will be a key differentiator.


Prioritization, on the other hand, ensures that we allocate our resources—time, talent, and capital—towards the efforts that align with our strategic vision. In a landscape where technological options are vast, prioritizing the right initiatives is what allows us to lead in innovation while staying efficient and aligned with our long-term goals.

Simplifying and prioritizing isn’t just a personal responsibility—it’s a cultural imperative.

How It’s Done


At Avery Dennison, simplifying and prioritizing is more than just checking off tasks. It’s about consistently asking ourselves a few critical questions:

  • What are the most important outcomes we need to deliver?

  • Which efforts will create the greatest impact on those outcomes?

  • What can we stop, delay, or scale back to focus on what truly matters?

Our approach is to look beyond the immediate challenges and step back to see the bigger picture. This is essential when leading through complexity. We need to "pull up from the details" and focus on aligning our teams around the most important objectives, ensuring everyone is clear on what needs to be done and why.


A Cultural Imperative


Simplifying and prioritizing isn’t just a personal responsibility—it’s a cultural imperative. As leaders, it’s up to us to model these behaviors and create a culture where teams feel empowered to say “no” to distractions and focus on delivering high-impact results. As Tony Blair wrote in his influential book, A Journey, “The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.” This doesn’t mean ignoring challenges as they arise, but it does mean resisting the temptation to constantly shift direction or add new priorities without clear alignment.


At Avery Dennison, we've seen firsthand how a focused approach can drive significant results. Whether it’s through our digital transformation efforts, operational excellence initiatives, or the innovation happening across our teams globally, the common thread is that success comes when we prioritize what matters most and execute with clarity.


A Call to Action


As we continue to push forward in our digital and operational journey, I encourage all leaders to ask themselves: Are we simplifying and prioritizing effectively? Are we ensuring that every initiative we pursue aligns with our strategic goals? By making simplification and prioritization core to our daily decisions, we will not only enhance our impact but also cultivate a culture that is more agile, focused, and resilient in the face of change.


In the face of digital complexity, simplifying and prioritizing are the levers that will help us navigate change and deliver real results. Let’s focus on what matters, lead with intention, and inspire our teams to do the same as we continue on our innovation journey.

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